The Reason Why: The United Nations Openly Continues Its Neglect of Western Sahara
October 12, 2021

On October 7, 2021, Karama Sahara Organization participated in the 4th Committee for the Decolonization at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The organization has noted some violations and abuses of the United Nations, most notably:
– When receiving the Badges, a United Nations staff member was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk on the main street, meters from the building, distributing the cards to the participants, without any social/ sensitization precautions!
– the United Nations interpretations were inaccurate, which altered the message intended by the petitioners. Karama Sahara has already posted a video for comparison.
– Extreme abbreviation of the speeches of the Sahrawi SADR petitioners, in the news statement written on the official news website of the United Nations.
The question is, is this the first time of such abuse? Or is it a normal practice when it comes to Western Sahara? 

Here is the URL from UN Press Releases on: 7 OCTOBER 2021. GA/SPD/731

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